What Happens If You Commute By Bike For A Year

What happens if you commute by bike for a year? How much fitter will you get? How much money will you save? How much happier will you be?

What Happens If You Commute By Bike For A Year
Commuting by bike versus car infographic
Please give credit and link to Pedalsure.com if used elsewhere

2020 was the year bicycle commuting went mainstream in the UK. Since the first lockdown in March, over 1.3 million Brits have bought a bike - many with the sole intention of using it as an alternative way of getting to work. As avid cycle commuters here at Pedalsure, it’s fantastic to see the cycle lanes packed with new cyclists ditching the bus or train and discovering the joys of pedal power.

Whilst the obvious advantages of avoiding crowded transport systems in the current climate are a given, the many benefits of cycle commuting extend much further.

You’ll be fitter and healthier

Research shows that the average cycle commuter burns 1,000 calories per week getting to and from work - or 52,000 calories a year. That’s the equivalent of 173 McDonalds cheeseburgers! That daily exercise can add up to make a real difference - particularly in new riders. In fact, the average person loses over 6kg in the first year of cycle commuting. That’s nearly the entire weight of a carbon road bike!

With improved physical and mental health, cycle commuters are also shown to be more productive at work, are late less often, and take an average of two less sick days per year vs their car / bus / train using colleagues.

You’ll save money and time

With increased congestion on the roads, taking the humble bicycle is shown to reduce time on the commute. Cycle commuters save an average of 26 hours per year on getting to work versus car drivers. No overflowing car parks or traffic jams - just a whole extra day back every single year. You’ll also have more money to spend - with riding to work saving an average of £3,331 per year over driving.

You’ll get the miles in - and save the planet

How far you’re prepared to commute by bike will vary for everyone, but the average cycle commuter rides 1,528 miles per year getting to work. That’s the equivalent of riding from Lands End to John O’Groats and back again!

Additionally, those extra miles will be helping save the environment, as bike commuters save around 175kgs of Co2 emissions per year each vs car drivers - that’s the same as eight trees!

There are so many more benefits, and in the current climate, with the many cycle to work incentives available, there’s never been a better time to get into cycle commuting.

With Pedalsure, you’ll be covered every step of the way, whether you’re on a regular bike or an e-bike, meaning that along with all the great advantages of riding to work, you’ll have complete peace of mind for you and your bike.

Oh, and did we mention it’s really good fun?!
