
Pedalsure have joined forces with #BikeIsBest, the most extensive coordinated promotional campaign for cycling since the 1970s!


Pedalsure have joined forces with #BikeIsBest, the most extensive coordinated promotional campaign for cycling since the 1970s!

Pedalsure, along with over 50 key partners in the cycling industry have all joined forces to spread the word that #BikeIsBest for everyone. #BikeIsBest for you, your family, your community and the planet.

As we've all seen at this critical time, more people are taking to bikes and rediscovering the joy of recreational cycling and commuting. Just 9% want things to 'go back to normal' after coronavirus lockdown, says a recent YouGov poll. #BikeIsBest aims to instil behaviour change and get people out of their cars for short journeys and onto their bikes.

Since 2014, we’ve been working harder than a super domestique to provide the best insurance for the most competitive price. We know you want to be out on the bike as much as possible and dealing with insurance is probably the last thing anyone wants to do.

1.3 million bikes have been sold during lockdown and with cycling really on the increase in the UK, there has never been a better time to ride a bike. We are here to help you ride smart and keep your most prized possession safe.

You can read more about #BikeIsBest here.
